The Secret to Creating a Sustainable Weight Loss Mindset
Fitness involves both your body and mind. To keep pounds off, you may need to change the way you think. Use these suggestions to develop your long-term game plan for sustainable weight loss.

Changing the Way You Think about Eating

1. Choose foods you like. With so many nutritious foods to choose from, there are bound to be plenty that appeal to you. If lima beans make you want to gag, try chick peas instead.

2. Eat a balanced diet. You may be able to survive for a few days on grapefruit and red onions. On the other hand, you'll need to cover every food group when you're planning for the years ahead.

3. Know your caloric needs. Many factors determine how much food you need. Calculate the target calories for yourself based on your height, weight, age, and metabolism.

4. Evaluate the impact of weight fluctuations. You'll be less tempted to get sidetracked by crash diets when you understand what they do to your body. Dramatic weight changes can increase your body fat and weaken your bones.

Changing the Way You Think about Exercise

1. Befriend your body. Appreciate your body regardless of your current size. Be grateful for all it does for you. You'll take more pleasure in being active and treating yourself well.

2. Enjoy your workouts. Select physical activities that you'll look forward to doing. Maybe you'd enjoy getting together with friends after work to shoot hoops. Maybe your idea of a good time is volleyball on the beach.

3. Plan for all seasons. Summer heat and winter storms sabotage many workout schedules. Plan alternatives you can turn to when the weather changes. Flexibility will also see you through other obstacles, such as frequent travel or illnesses.

4. Avoid injuries. Overtraining and accidents derail exercise programs too. Get adequate rest and build up the intensity of your workouts gradually.

Changing the Way You Think about Living

1. Consider your future self. It seems harmless to slack off in the short-term, but the consequences add up. Multiply two hours a day of snacking and watching TV by 365 days in a year. Imagine how much better you'd feel if you spent that time walking and preparing salads.

2. Manage stress. Keeping stress under control will enhance your sleep and reduce emotional eating. This will likely help you stay trim. Develop relaxation practices that work for you, such as meditation or listening to instrumental music.


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